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Ebenezer Music Academy

The Ebenezer Conservation and Development Project for Nanyin (2023-2025)



  • We are honoured to promote the “Ebenezer Conservation and Development Project for Nanyin”, funded by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Funding Scheme under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)’s “ICH for all” project in year 2023 - 2025. The project aims to preserve and promote Nanyin, a precious intangible cultural heritage of Hong Kong, which has a long history and cultural content with unique artistic expression.


    In -2023-2024, Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired has specially conducted the “Nanyin Heritage Course” and the “Basic Nanyin Narrative Singing Course” to enable students to master the basic skills of Nanyin narrative singing, learn Nanyin songs, and cultivate Nanyin inheritors to pass on the tradition. In addition, the “Nanyin Instrumental Accompaniment  Training Course” instructs students in the playing techniques of the Erhu and Qinqin, enhancing the Nanyin experience with delightful accompaniment. Through these courses, we aim to cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation for Nanyin among students, revitalizing  this unique art form, and ensuring its legacy endures for generations to come.


    Marking a significant milestone in the “Ebenezer Conversation and Development Project for Nanyin”, we proudly present the “Resonating Legacy: A Celebration of Nanyin” music concert, which will be held on 27th June 2024, at 4pm, Sheung Wan Civic Centre Lecture Hall (5/F)This concert promises a captivating journey through Nanyin's rich heritage. Led by our dedicated musicians and teachers, including Nanyin performers Mr. To Wing and Ms. Tong Siu Yi, the students will showcase their learning achievements. Joining them will be Mr. Yang Enhua, alumnus of Ebenezer School and one of the participants of the project's “Nanyin Heritage Course”, these talented individuals will weave a tapestry of sound, guiding the audience on a journey through the evolution of Nanyin – from the budding  talents of students to the masterful artistry of seasoned performers. As the melodies unfold, audience will be captivated by the timeless beauty of this treasured piece of Chinese culture.


    The project is also one of the activities in the Chinese Culture Promotion Series. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) has long been promoting Chinese history and culture through organising an array of programmes and activities to enable the public to learn more about the broad and profound Chinese culture. For more information, please visit www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/ccpo/index.html. To show care for senior citizens, people with different abilities and other communities in need, the LCSD has introduced the Community Care Series which offers a vast range of recreational, sports and cultural activities and facilities.  For details, please visit its webpage at www.lcsd.gov.hk/edutainment/en/for_care/index.html.


    We will continue to update this website to provide the latest news about the “Ebenezer Conversation and Development Project for Nanyin”. Stay tuned!

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Throughout the years, Ebenezer has been launching a series of projects for the well-being of the visually impaired. Everyone is cordially welcomed to show your support to us. For enquiries, please feel free to contact us.

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