


In 1995, the Jockey Club New Wing was completed and the Old Age Home was relocated to the old wing and renamed as Ebenezer Care & Attention Home.

Ebenezer School

In the early 1970s, implement inclusive education and provide rehabilitation training for students at Ebenezer School based on the special education model and experience in Britain.
In the 1970s, Ebenezer School launched the ‘Integrated Education Programme’, which was later renamed as ‘Resource Support Programme’ (RSP). For decades, RSP has been providing support services to visually impaired students in secondary, primary and special schools. On-site services are provided for students with moderate and severe visual impairment to ensure adequate and timely support.

In the 1980s, students began to use assistive technologies to facilitate their learning. Computer Literacy was formally introduced into the curriculum in 1990 and actively develop assistive technology teaching.

In addition to the primary and junior secondary curriculum, a tailored curriculum was developed in 2001 to accommodate the diverse needs of students.

Ebenezer School operates senior secondary classes (S4) in 2019-2020

Rehab Training

Since 1974, Ebenezer had sent different teachers to the UK, the US and Southeast Asia to attend trainings and international conferences. Afterwards, Orientation & Mobility Training was introduced to the curriculum.

Since 1975, Ebenezer had sent different teachers to countries like the UK to attend international conferences. Afterwards, Low Vision Training was introduced to the curriculum.

Rehabilitation training provided by various therapist

Ebenezer New Hope School

1978, Pokfulam Training Centre was opened to provide educational, rehabilitation and residential services to students with visual impairment and intellectual disability

The centre was renamed Ebenezer Training Centre in 1995

In order to enhance the services, Ebenezer Training Centre began to admit students with visual impairment and severe intellectual disability in 2005

Ebenezer Training Centre was renamed Ebenezer New Hope School in January 2006

Early Intervention Programme

Ebenezer Early Intervention Programme for Visually Impaired Children was launched in 2000, expanding the service to include infants with visual impairment

The Preparatory Classes at Ebenezer School were transformed to Ebenezer Child Care Centre in 2006

Project WORKS

Founded in October 2015, Project WORKS aims to promote employers’ understanding on the ability of the visually impaired(VI), create and promote fair employment and foster the development of an inclusive society.


Cedar Workshop

  "Cedar Workshop" was officially established on January 2018. Our first VI youth-led self-financing social enterprise. In upholding our vision of "Knowing the darkness leads you to BRILLIANCE!" , we strives to engage corporates through providing team-building training programmes and experiential workshops

ESHVI Anniversary

100 Centennial Celebration in 1997.

110th Anniversary in 2007.

115th Anniversary in 2012

At 2017, Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired has been serving the visually impaired community of Hong Kong for over 120 years
